The Dancing Rhubarb
Rhubarb Info


Welcome to The Dancing Rhubarb Homepage! The Dancing Rhubarb welcomes you! Please, roam around and fiddle with all the nifty dohickeys and gizmos, courtesy of The Dancing Rhubarb! Also, don't forget to register to the Villagetown City Community, so you can go to the chat rooms and message boards, and get The Dancing Rhubarb Trading Cards!

8/22/04 - Ok, I haven't updated in a while, and chances are I won't be. Obviously this site isn't visited by anyone but myself; the offchance someone might actually come here is the only reason I'm writing this. It's useless to continue to update on a site that no one visits, so why should I if I'm the only one that'll come here? If I'm bored enough and happen to think of the site, I might type up the fourth TDR story, but chances are that won't happen. Now, if I'm wrong, and people in fact do come to this site, they obviously don't show it. Well, if you actually care enough about the site that you want me to continue with it, then show me. Use the message board, send me things for the site, anything at all. Also, I've gotten a complaint that someone e-mailed me about the site, but I found out they didn't put a subject line, so I can't stress enough: If you actually want to send me something TDR related, please put the correct Subject line as specified in whatever section your e-mail correlates (Rhubarb General, Rhubarb Contribution, etc.), as my e-mail, being a free service, is constantly bombarded with spam and viruses, so I'll delete anything that I find the least bit untrustworthy.

All in all, if you want the site to continue, show me you do; otherwise, I'm done with the site. It's pointless to update the site just for myself.

3/15/04 - Yes, I know it's been months since I've updated, but I had actually thought there was no one who still went to this site, and I felt no need to. I have discovered a fanbase consisting of no more than 5 people that I know of, so I figured, why not.

There is delay in typing up the fourth The Dancing Rhubarb story, but this is because since December I have been committed to my school's spring musical, which will perform its last two performances this weekend. Hopefully now, if i don't forget about this site, the story should be up soon.

As I got no responses to the TDR XII Story Contest, I have removed the deadline. When, or if, I get enough submissions (no more than 5), I'll choose the winner. Submit on the message board, and you don't have to register. As for the picture at the top, it's of The Dancing Rhubarb, so it stays, even though it's not good quality. The Special box will also remain blank, keeping to its statement about contributions. There is a new poll though, one completely unrelated to TDR. Check the Links section for the Astrojax site, if you're interested. And again, the year's updates have been archived. If you actually want to see them again, they are in Archives.

"Awww, &*#$, you're too smart." - Aforementioned-Will, The Fast Food Industry

Special: Save the Site!

In honor of the program set into motion to get the site more active and alive, the Special box will be kept blank until people have contributed somehow to the revival of the site. I will list methods used to help the site out here, and if the information is given to me, the person as well. Anything is more than welcome. Unless it's bad in any way. Then, please don't.

as of 9/30/02

(c) Copyright 2002 The Dancing Rhubarb. Anyone caught using any material on this site without permission will have a very large lawyer come to your house, cut down one of your trees, eat all the cereal, and yell at you for breaking the rules.